Sunday, January 30, 2022

Assumption "A": Rhythmical Performance Suggests Continuity and Discontinuity

It is assumed here that a rhythmical performance will suggest continuity and discontinuity at one and the same time; a non-rhythmical performance will suppress either the continuous or the discontinuous aspect of the compositional structure. How can we know whether a delivery instance displays at this point continuity or discontinuity or both? 

We might say that we know that a delivery instance (delivery = notational gender) is continuous or discontinuous or both by listening, just as we see that the book is read by looking, or as we tell that the tea is sweet by tasting it. 

By listening to two delivery instances of this verse instance, we may prefer one to the other according to whether it does or does not suggest continuity and discontinuity at the same time. We can also establish the aural correlates that make these suggestions. 

The present approach assumes that continuity and discontinuity can be suggested at one and the same time by using conflicting musical cues, thus committing "organized violence" against performance processing. This cannot be done by merely looking at the notational output, only by listening to the sound output. 

As composers, we must provide ample empirical evidence that flesh-and-blood performers do, indeed, attempt precisely these solutions. We are also compelled to provide precise empirical evidence that those vocal devices do have, indeed, the predicted effect (though this requires further, and more rigorous, experimentation ).

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

"Sensual Perspectivisation... "Laboratorie New Music: Compositeur Abstraite"

Score "Explorer, Producer, Stoic, After Your Fashion".  Pages 38-39.
Pages are sliced in four equal parts representing each of the quartet members.

Laboratorie New Music.

Listen to the Music Here:

Score Page from "Thick Channel Black Bourbon" for Solo Voice

New Laboratorie New Music Article on "Medium"

"Identical Intended Comments" for Contrabassoon and Soprano Saxophone

Explorer, Producer, Stoic, After Your Fashion for String Quartet.
Bil Smith Composer.
Invited Nomination Candidate for the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Music

Colophon (Performance Notes for "Explorer, Producer, Stoic, After Your Fashion"

Score "Explorer, Producer, Stoic, After Your Fashion".  Pages 38-39.
Pages are sliced in four equal parts representing each of the quartet members.

Matrix Plan for Publication.  "Explorer, Producer, Stoic, After Your Fashion"
Acetate Portable Overlay Tablature, 16 Ribbons (15 white, 1 pink)

Circular die cut into score with dice to determine sequence and
timing for each of the 16 sections.  The 16 sections are defined  by the white ribbons.

Score Pages: Explorer, Producer, Stoic, After Your Fashion

Explorer, Producer, Stoic, After Your Fashion

Explorer, Producer, Stoic, After Your Fashion.  Score pages 178-179

Explorer, Producer, Stoic, After Your Fashion.
 Page One of Colophon (Performance Notes)
with inference to Piero Manzoni to the right
(to be interpreted by the quartet with codicological structure

"Apparent Inscience of One Another's Project"
A cartographic circumfluent tablature constructed for two
instruments of converse provenance.

"Mysterious Eroticism of the Multi-Storied Car Park"
A Fanfare for Piccolo Trumpet in 'A'
Bil Smith Composer

"Delista" (Code Name) A new text score under construction
with the assistance of Siyang Lu

"Altoo" for Alto Flute and open for reinterpretation with different titles.  Whitespace.

Score Page (Loose Pages) from "Thick Channel Black Bourbon" for solo soprano

Scored for Six Isolated Instruments.
"Unlike the geometric eye of rationalized sight, which one can direct and focus at will, the physical eye, as we have seen,  (visual models are far too frequent and integral to permit so easy a dismissal) is one member of the body which does not always obey the will as it continually generates images and opacities on its own."

"Minatory Spectre for Alto Clarinet,  Alto Saxophone and Trombone

"Come Live With Me and Be My Love" 
a Circos Simulacrum of Censorship Project

"Semio": A Reappropriation of Mathias Spahlinger's "128 Erfüllte Augenblicke"  for Voice, Clarinet and Cello. Bil Smith Composer. (Page 99)

Wednesday, January 19, 2022