Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Recording: "Gus Sylfolio". From The 'Electronic Frequencies' program on Concertzender curated by Roland Kuit.

Sylfolio (a neologism for ‘light’) is defined in science as an electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye, and exhibits properties of both waves and particles. Owing to this ‘wave-particle’ duality, light remains enigmatic to the sciences.

Sylfolio’s resilient behavior is uncommon to any other waveform; for instance, light can exist in a vacuum. iIt has been examined that pulses of light traveling through a refractive material, such as water or glass, will cast off secondary pulses that travel in advance of, and outlive, the initial light pulse. These light “precursors” as they are known, consist of the various frequencies (i.e. colors) that are manifest in the initial light radiation, and change spontaneously and continuously; while the primary light wave will diminish and eventually disappear over distance, precursors continue traveling indefinitely, altering their frequencies repeatedly.

In Gus Sylfolio, Bil utilized the mathematic structure of light to generate rows, pitch groups, rhythms and other serial materials. I have isolated the numeric structures of each color of the spectrum and, I used math to generate specific scales and systems.

Then, in the method of Richard Barrett, Bil ignored all  of his own rules and attempted to create a piece of work that simply “is.”

Listen On SoundCloud:

This selection is part of the 'Electronic Frequencies' program on Concertzender curated by Roland Kuit.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

RECORDING: "Pharoah Flypole". From The Concertzender Program.


Pharoah Flypole is an exploration of the extended sound world in which the ideated electronic instrument dwells. The two most evident features of the composition are: the tutti, and the avoidance almost completely of the use of pitched material.

My use of approximate notation in highly dense and rhythmical settings further allows for an erratic sound-quality when performed, which not only helps alter the instrument output, but also obliterates the clean, well phrased and ‘well behaved’ performance.

The ideated instruments are organized around a physical model of an 8 stringed instrument capable of producing a huge amount of distortion and internal feedback. This instrument responds to the material played by the virtual performer/percussionist, attempting to track the pitch of these sometimes “unpitched” instruments as best it can.

This work is part of a series on Concertzender curated by Roland Kuit.

Roland Kuit

Saturday, December 24, 2016

"Electronic Frequencies": The Game Changers.

A special thanks to Roland Kuit for curating a Program of my electronic works on Concertzender's "Electronic Frequencies: The Game Changers."

The Electronic Music of Bil Smith

Link to online:

Get the Radio App to Concertzender Here:

Piece one of 13 found on the Program:

Pharoah Flypole – by Bil Smith

Pharoah Flypole is an exploration of the extended sound world in which the ideated electronic instrument dwells. The two most evident features of the composition are: the tutti, and the avoidance almost completely of the use of pitched material.

My use of approximate notation in highly dense and rhythmical settings further allows for an erratic sound-quality when performed, which not only helps alter the instrument output, but also obliterates the clean, well phrased and ‘well behaved’ performance.

The ideated instruments are organized around a physical model of an 8 stringed instrument capable of producing a huge amount of distortion and internal feedback. This instrument responds to the material played by the virtual performer/percussionist, attempting to track the pitch of these sometimes “unpitched” instruments as best it can.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

"Pitless Tapers" - New Recording

Instrumentarium inspired by Thomas Struth

"Pitless Tapers" - New Recording, December 21, 2013
Bil Smith Composer

On SoundCloud:

Logistrum Score Matrix Utilizing
Circos Software
For Chamber Ensemble, Sub-ContraBass Flute (Kotato & Fukushima), Bass Flugelhorn; Sopranino Saxophone; Antio-Phase Elevation Device; Logistrum; Valianest Marimba; Bass Banjo and Amplified Adjusted Bass Flute.
Sub-ContraBass Flute 
Where there is so much talk of liberation there are sure to be very disturbing reverberations within the world of established, acceptable criteria. The liberation of words, objects, sounds, etc., should be seen as different from the confusions surrounding the idea of making them free. They are already free, before anyone ever thinks of using them. The idea of them being liberated is relative to the use that they have been put to (and enslaved by) in the past.
They cannot be more free than they are, but they can be liberated from their conceptual inheritance, and we from ours. That is the point at which we can realize that we are already as free as words, objects, and sounds are. Everything is then free to move in all directions to all meanings.
Earle Brown, 1965

Listen on SoundCloud:  

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


"ImmunoRadio Dramatique" for Orchestra, Voices, Archival Shortwave Radio Broadcasts, Resynthesis and Particle Pluriphony.

Regentrification of the Radio

"ImmunoRadio Dramatique" for Orchestra, Voices, Archival Shortwave Radio Broadcasts, Resynthesis and Particle Pluriphony. 
                           First Performed on January 11, 2013 at Columbia University, New York.                                                                                                                                

       LISTEN HERE on SoundCloud:
Kenwood in Park Slope

"Emerging technologies provided theoretical analogies for unexplained phenomena as well as the physical means with which to study them. One notable esoteric idea developed at the dawn of radio proposed that there existed some refined, disembodied pool of quasi-intelligence occupying a very high domain in the frequency spectrum.

Particle Pluriphony
Theorists have also used the concept of resonance to explore other mysterious aspects of the physical world.  Smith dedicates his mission to studying these vibrational enigmas. He researches in classical music, electronic sound, archaeology, psychic phenomena and resonance all fed into his belief that a new awareness of wave phenomena would cast light upon age-old questions and improve the conditions of human life.

Shortwave Radio ReSynthesis

The result is a disruptive and refreshing tour of glorious havoc with the inner ear as one of a number of discernible influences. The music gets surprisingly muscular at times. A languid pace predominates, the tapping of feet centering things – even in their electric extension – on an earthily human, bodily scale, and providing plenty of space. This work professes a delight and a challenge."
- Jon Bywater

"Staged Involuntary Limbic Experiments" for Two String Quartets

"Staged Involuntary Limbic Experiments" 
for Two String Quartets (2012-2013) 
Bil Smith Composer
This performance made possible with the generous assistance of Etisalat.
Listen on SoundCloud

"Modulus". Live recording performed by The Chicago Modern Orchestra Project with Renee Baker Conducting.


Live recording performed by The Chicago Modern Orchestra Project with Renee Baker Conducting.

Bil Smith Composer

Listen on SoundCloud:

The Chicago Modern Orchestra Project is an offshoot of the highly successful Mantra Blue Free  Orchestra ©®,both groups directed by Renèe Baker.

While MBFO plays only original compositions by Ms. Baker, involving her own highly developed  “conduction-like” style of directing, the CMOP is dedicated to commissioning, performing and recording contemporary creative and classical music of many new composers.

The mission of the orchestra is to excite and encourage new audiences with their own brand of “out-of-the-box” programming. 

Scores of the unusual and completely innovative and unexpected programming is at the heart of CMOP’s mission.

Original scores are sought from every genre of music, with special emphasis on living composers.
It is one of CMOP’s highest aspirations to present compositions of new emerging composers that perhaps would not appeal to most symphonies.

So, with that in mind, concerts are usually a mixture of large ensemble pieces along with small ensemble delicacies sprinkled in.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


"Prosthesis" belongs to a category of nomenclature denoting arbitrary (chance) processes, whose intrusion into the realm of composition should be viewed with suspicion.

There are compositions where the performance notes are more interesting than the music.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Mr. Kuit's Bicycle Music

Bicycle Music IV

From my good friend and inspiration at every turn of the wheel, Roland Kuit

The Recording On SoundCloud:

RECORDING: "Split By An Immense Roar" for Chamber Orchestra, et al: Bil Smith Composer (2014)

"Split By An Immense Roar" for Chamber Orchestra, et al: Bil Smith Composer (2014)

Compositional Concept Funded and Devised by Louise Lord. Execution by Jeorne Balette (IRCAM). With assistance from the NYPD, Johnson Tremidy, Donald Foerbasch, Radio France, Verizon and The Locke Family. 

Bil Smith​

The Recording on Soundcloud:

Friday, December 2, 2016


A List Of Selected Workshops and Festivals for Composers. Updated From Peabody, August, 2016.

Selected Workshops and Festivals for Composers.  

Updated List from Peabody

Recording: "Just As Our Sleeping Minds Extemporized + Notable Ethnic (Jeemese)"

"Just As Our Sleeping Minds Extemporized + Notable Ethnic (Jeemese)"
2009-2012. Bil Smith Composer.

Thanks to the generous support and contribution of John McGolligan, Jr. and Family Trust.
String Orchestra, Sequestered String Quartet, Chamber Ensemble, Percussion Base Step Forty Two, Evidentiary Flute Duo, Timpianist Accompli, Voice Negrit, Temnina Harmonium, Grace Flute (3), and Electronica Ventium Majeste.