Friday, March 24, 2023

"Similar Monomania" For Orchestra and Seven Pianos. Bil Smith Composer


  "Similar Monomania" For Orchestra and Seven Pianos.   
Bil Smith Composer                   

THE RECORDING: on SoundCloud                                                                                                               

"Remarkably comfortable with causation, he seems to be moving through some ritual process that explodes into life threatening chaos at any moment.

It's tempting to talk about shamanic journeys. The absence of a prevailing stylistic orthodoxy is striking"

- Clive Bell on Bil Smith's "Similar Monomania" for Wire 


"Personico Antiqua" For Percussion Ensemble and Live Electronics.

"Personico Antiqua" 
For Percussion Ensemble and Live Electronics. 
Bil Smith Composer 
On Soundcloud:

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Trumpet Fanfares. Bil Smith Composer


"Mirador"  A Fanfare for B Flat Trumpet

"Nabokov's Wearisome Cleverness" For C Trumpet

"Picador" For B Flat Trumpet

"Fanfare Labor" For B Flat Trumpet

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

"Thrones De Los Cantares". A Micro-Opera. The New Recording

"Thrones De Los Cantares" (A Micro-Opera)

for 27 Voices (inclusive of Coloratura Soprano, Lyric Soprano, Heldentenor, Contralto, Baryton-Noble, Basso Buffo, Dugazon Soprano), Grapheticist*, and Chamber Ensemble. (Synthesis by Transient Drawing and Particle Cloning).

*Grapheticists are practitioners of Graphetics which is a branch of linguistics concerned with the analysis of the physical properties of shapes used in writing. It is an etic study, meaning that it has an outsider's perspective and is not concerned with any particular writing system. It is contrasted with the related emic field of graphemics, the study of the relation between different shapes in particular writing systems.  Graphetics is analogous to phonetics; graphetics is to the study of writing as phonetics is to the study of spoken language.
As such, it can be divided into two areas, visual graphetics and mechanical graphetics, which are analogous to auditory and articulatory phonetics, respectively. Both printed and handwritten language can be the subject of graphetic study.
The recording:

Every semiotic segment produced by the contemporary composer must meet and match innumerable other semiotic segments in order to form the combinatory frame of the sonic commodity, musico-capital.
Musico-capital puts neuro-psychic energies to work, submitting them to mechanistic speed, compelling cognitive activity to follow the rhythm of networked performance. As a result, the emotional sphere linked with aural comprehension is stressed to its limit. ​

Friday, March 3, 2023

"Primary Cardinal" for Piano, G Trumpet and Clarinet in A

The Complete Score

"Primary Cardinal" 

for Piano, G Trumpet and Clarinet in A

Bil Smith Composer


Commissioned by Rosneft Oil Co OJSC, Moscow

World Premiere Moscow, February 2016

"Gander Gender". For English Horn, Horn and Piano

"Gander Gender"

For English Horn, Horn and Piano

Bil Smith Composer